Commercial real estate agent, Ava Baldassari, is done with being a good girl. Recently having revamped her self-image, home and wardrobe she finds there is one more thing that needs updating; her sex life. She runs into her friend and running partner, Cole, one night when she is out with a friend. Drunk, she flirts with him and is surprised by the enthusiastic response he gives back. Things reach a point where she has to make a decision whether or not to cross a line she never has before. Cole is twenty-five and Ava is forty. Is she really ready to become a cougar?
Listening Time: 1 hr 30 mn
Narrated by: Stephanie Wyles
Listen to a sample:
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while,” Cole whispered in my ear, still pressed against me as he unzipped my dress.
Me too, I wanted to say. But I didn’t. I was adrift in the onslaught of sensation as he slid the fabric from me, trailing kisses down my back as it went. Making me aware as I never had been of how sensitive the skin there could be. When he reached the small of my back he lingered, kneading my skin with his tongue and teeth. His hands ran down my legs and then back up to my breasts and I savored the feel of his fingers. My breaths came heavier. I had been needing this for too long.
He rose and turned me towards him, towering over me. His cap was gone and his dark hair was askew as though he had run his fingers through it, giving him that sexy just-woke-up look. I slid my fingers from the waist of his jeans, underneath his shirt, to his muscled back. The ridges of strength there were too tempting beneath my fingertips. How did he find the time to work out that much? I had to see with my own eyes. Fisting the hem of his shirt in my hands and pulled his t-shirt up to remove it. Why should I be the only one standing here naked? With a chuckle he complied, lifting the shirt over his head and flinging it away in the casual manner of an underwear model on TV.
Sure I had imagined what he looked like with his shirt off but the reality was ten times better. He had a runner build but that was filled out with muscle. The planes of his chest were topped by strong shoulders and arms which seemed to blossom over the lean ridges of his abdominals, creating a definite contrast. I couldn’t help reaching out and touching him. I ran my hands over his skin tracing my way upward to the light coating of black hair on his pectorals. He leaned his pelvis into me, forehead on mine, his erection pressing into me, making me shiver with anticipation.
We were on the brink of something oh-so-good and I was dying to plunge ahead. Yet, I hesitated. Questions burned in my mind. I tried to hold them back, knowing serious talk would ruin the moment. That lasted about two seconds before I gave in.
“Um…” I said.
He lifted his head from mine and looked at me.
I cocked my head at him. “Did you just say you’ve been wanting to do this for a while?” Had he been scoping me out all this time as I had him?
He nodded. “Who wouldn’t? Look at you. You’re gorgeous.”
I glanced down at myself. My ample buxom looked perfect in the black, lace push-up bra I wore and the matching thong sat just right, low on my hips. I still had on my red heels which added a lady-killer effect.
Then I glanced at him. The smoldering look he gave me trumped anything I observed on the physical plane. The messages coming from him on a subliminal level promised pleasure that made me squirm with heat.
“You know it’s going to be good between us Ava,” Cole said.
He pressed heavier against me, making me suck in a breath…

Left hot, bothered and disappointed by Grant – the man she had high hopes for – Ava breaks up with him and heads out on a ski weekend with a group of friends. Harrison, a twenty-three year old member of the group, can’t help but take notice of her and makes advances. Some of which Ava can’t brush aside when they are stuck sharing a room together. Will she give in to Harrison’s advances or go home and work things out with Grant?
Listening Time: 2 hrs 3 mn
Narrated by: Stephanie Wyles
Listen to a sample:
The covers shifted again and I could feel the section near me, behind my back, lifting as he scooted closer. The warmth of his body was settled very close to and almost against mine, mirroring my shape like a puzzle piece. His voice was a low whisper in my ear, a single-syllable question. “Spoon?”
My mind went through rapid-fire calculations. Spoon? What would be the consequences of that? Should I do it? I churned through the outcomes of either saying yes or no but, after a moment, threw my pros and cons list out the window as the conclusion of, what the hell, why not? came to me. He was cute and I could use a little spooning. It wasn’t something I got to do often.
“Mm-hm.” I scooted backward into his embrace.
He slid his hand around my waist, his fingers sliding along my rib cage all the way around until he was cupping my other side. Then he nestled his face in my hair and inhaled my scent. “You smell nice,” he whispered.
“Thanks,” I murmured back. For some reason I kept my voice low as if talking too loud would break the spell. It felt so good to have all six feet of his firm body stretched along mine. Even pressed against my back I could sense the various muscles making contact with me. The slow rhythm of his breath just skimming my ear was nice. I let go of all the typical female questions that rose up in my mind at the scenario and enjoyed the moment.
There had been so many times in my life I had imagined waking up in bed with my husband just like this, feeling a new day awakening with me safe and cozy in my true love’s arms. It was one of those dreams that, now, was becoming painful to replay as my singleness continued to stretch out year after year. In a moment like this it was easy to take it out of the closet, dust it off, and use it as a sort of atmosphere to what was actually going on. When things like this happened it reinforced the fact that I really did want to get married. It was just a matter of Mr. Right showing up. No matter how my logical mind kept trying to force Grant into the shape of that hole, my true self stood back shaking its head and saying, “It’s not going to work. There’s too big of an issue there.”
After a few minutes of laying in silence together with the rise and fall of our chests matching, I could feel myself starting to slip away again into dreamland. But then Harrison shifted his hips, scooting closer to my backside. My eyes shot open as it registered exactly what was pressing against my ass and lower back.
Morning wood!

To get away from the pressures of work, Ava takes a last-minute cruise to the Greek islands by herself. But on the ship she runs into the coworker she despises the most, John Montgomery. Somehow he has a knack for driving her mad, and seeing him with his hot young date makes Ava feel even worse about herself. Meanwhile, sexy young steward Florian has been making passes at her, reminding her of how beautiful and alive she really is. Will Ava allow her loneliness to be chased away and desires fulfilled by a much younger man one more time?
Listening Time: 3 hrs 23 mn
Narrated by: Stephanie Wyles
Listen to a sample:
“Something to drink, Miss?”
I looked up to see Florian smiling down at me. “Oh my gosh, what are you doing here? I thought you had the day off again.”
He was wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt with the ship’s logo on it. The dark fabric made his own natural coloring stand out even more. He sat down on the edge of my lounger near my hip, seeming pleased I’d noticed his absence.
“Normally I would have the day off, but a friend of mine is sick and I’m covering his shift.” His eyes swept over my body as he spoke, and the glint of appreciation I saw in them made me feel good.
“Thanks again for your company yesterday,” I said in a low voice.
He smiled. “My pleasure.”
The tone of our simple words exchanged even more meaning between us. Having been single for so long I’d become a master of deciphering tone, and his was telling me he’d had the time of his life. He was so damn cute.
“So what can I get you? You look thirsty, and I wouldn’t be doing my job if I left you that way.” He was leaning toward me, his small round tray forgotten on the deck beside him.
I put an arm underneath my head and removed my sunglasses so I could make better eye contact. “What would you recommend?” My suggestive tone made his eyebrows rise and his cheeks dimple in pleasure.
Even though he was young and a member of the staff, I allowed myself to respond to his attentions. The pang of loneliness I felt at seeing John and Kim together reared its ugly head. What was wrong with getting a little attention? Why not have some fun on this trip? People flirted with each other all the time. And it was my turn to throw off my conservative chains and flex my sexy muscle.
He frowned as though deep in thought, considering the question. Then he exhaled and pointed at me. “You look like the kind of woman who enjoys not only fine wine but great gin as well. Our bartender makes a cocktail I think you would like. Not too sweet and just the right amount of tartness to it.” He said it the way car aficionados described legendary Porsches. I knew right away he was talking about himself.
He had it right on the nose. That was exactly my style. “I’ll give it a try.” My hand was on the chair next to his leg, and I fingered the bare, firm flesh of his thigh. I blamed my earlier glass of champagne for my loosened inhibitions. I sat forward and leaned in close to him. “Maybe the next time you’re off, we can hang out again.”
His eyes widened with pleasure. He opened his mouth to say something, but someone else cut in.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to see if I could order a couple of drinks.”
I turned my head to see John Montgomery standing behind my chair. From the amused look on his face, he’d heard everything I said. Mortification laced through me.
Florian jumped up. “Of course.”
John gave him his order, and Florian went to the bar. Then it was just John and me.
“Having fun, Ava?” He lifted a brow.
His eyes were hidden under the dark sunglasses he wore, but I got the meaning, the bastard. He was trying to embarrass me for flirting with Florian. I huffed at him and opened my magazine again, refusing to take the bait.
He tried again. “He’s a little young for you, isn’t he?”
“Hm. I think he’s the same age as Kim actually. If you don’t think that’s too young then I certainly don’t.” I allowed the sweet sound of disdain to roll off my lips, then I flipped over onto my stomach, excusing him.
He gave a soft chuckle. But he got the hint because he walked away.

Ava’s nemesis, John, made his feelings known by suddenly kissing her while they happened to be on the same cruise. Not just any kiss, but one that triggered a mind-blowing heat that made her want to learn more about him.
They’ve now been home for over a week where … nothing happens, making Ava doubt the signals she thought she’d received. Had the kiss not been as mind-blowing for him as it was for her? And then, suddenly, he asks her out on a date where she gets to see the intimate, sexy sides of him, which she really likes.
Maybe they are a good match for each other after all … or not. She can’t tell. His actions are so unpredictable that she can’t intuit his motives. Should she continue to leave the door open or write him off as the manwhore she thinks he is?
Audiobook: Coming November 2017!
Listening Time: 3 hrs 49 mn
Narrated by: Stephanie Wyles
Listen to a sample:
“Thanks for dinner. I had a great time,” I said. It was trite, but they were the only words that came to mind.
“Me, too. You’re welcome.” He stood with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted, that knowing look in his eyes. The same one that, at the office, had always driven me the nuts. But, here in the semi-darkness and privacy of the corridor, it made me blush. There was something in the intensity of his gaze that made my body prickle in response. Did he know how many confusing signals were firing inside me right now? One side of me was greatly tempted to run my hands through his silver-fox hair, while another waved a red flag and tried to hit the brakes.
“Oh! Thanks for the coat,” I said. I’d almost forgotten about it. I took it off and handed it to him. “Um, well goodnight. See you at the office.”
I started to close the door, then stopped because he continued to stand there with the side of his mouth quirked up in a grin. It would be awkward to just shut the door in his face. “What?” I said. Our gazes locked, and my heartbeat sped up as static filled the air between us.
“You’re not just going to leave me like this,” John said.
“Like what?”
He stepped forward to lean against the doorframe, forearm up above his head, his face inches from mine. “Don’t I even get a goodnight kiss?” he said in a low voice. “I hate to brag, but I think I behaved pretty well tonight.”
I laughed. “Oh please, you love to brag. And, yes, you totally surprised me with your unexpectedly chivalrous behavior. This, however, is more along the lines of what I expected.” I gestured at him from head to toe. It was as if a tiger stood at my doorstep, powerful muscles lithe yet still ready to pounce. I had to admit, it was deliciously arousing to feel his forthright desire. I had a brief flashback of him by the pool on the cruise. I’d seen what the muscles of his torso were like, and now I couldn’t help wondering what they would feel like through the fabric of his shirt.
“So … no kiss?” he said. “Are you sure? Because I thought there was something between us on the ship. And, even tonight, I could swear it’s still there. Aren’t you just a little bit curious?”
I shrugged. “Maybe.” I am. I really, really am. But I wasn’t about to tell him that. Giving a manwhore leverage was just plain dangerous. “I’m just not sure we should go there right now.” I remained where I was, refusing to budge. Kissing John would be the wrong move right now. Something in my gut made me certain of it. It was just one of those instincts that grew more honed with experience. Like a gazelle sensing a cheetah.
He continued to gaze at me with interest. Then he straightened, but didn’t move back. “How about a handshake then? That’s something you do with everyone, so it’s harmless, right?”
I laughed. “True.” I held out my hand and he grasped it. I did my best to ignore how good his palm felt on mine. As we shook, I said again, “John, I had a very nice time. Thank you.”
That’s all he would be getting from me tonight. I stopped shaking his hand, but he didn’t release my fingers. Instead, he raised my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles, then skimmed his lips in light nibbles down over my skin toward my wrist. The short stubble on his jaw gently scraped as he went. And that, combined with the sensation of his firm, soft lips, made my stomach curl with heat. It was so easy to imagine him trailing kisses like that all the way along my arm to my breasts. Not just there, but even lower to the most private part of me… His gaze flicked to my face and whatever he saw there made his eyes light up with satisfaction. I didn’t want to give anything away, but I was helpless to control whatever I was revealing.